Understanding Loan Modification

http://www.iinfiniteprocessing.com/img1.jpg, 3.8kB "Moving ahead, with bankable Knowledge" is our motto. Complete Loan Modification / Restructuring expertise is what we have. Young and experienced seasoned mortgage professional came with a plan to form a dynamic mechanism of setting up a system to help struggling homeowners to accomplish the goal of getting their Loans modified. Where Loan Modification Companies are charging you a bomb & ripping off people in trying times, we have decided not to charge a single cent unless your Loan is successfully modified. There are no upfront fees and no ripping off business; you pay only if your loan is successfully modified. Our Team has tenured and educated professionals, yes, we boast about this as our processing team includes MBA's & Masters in banking who have a very lengthy experience of the Mortgage industry.

Why Choose IInfinite?

Loan modification can be made less difficult and time-consuming by hiring a loan modification company to put together all the paperwork and offer expert advice. For a layman attempting to put together a loan modification, it can be incredibly complicated and the rate of failure is high. A loan modification company will ensure that the applications are properly organized, in the right order. They can also tell you what to expect given your particular circumstances, and what other options you may have in order to prevent foreclosure

Our processing teams include the best, Qualified, Trained seasoned Mortgage Professionals we have a proven track record of last 5 years and we have already modified thousand of application for loan modification. We exactly know what it takes to make this happen, we, with many years of banking & Mortgage experience exactly know how to get this done. Our processing team includes MBA's, Masters in banking who have been linked with US Mortgage industry from a very long time. People with exclusive underwriting background, worked with top notch US banks. Sound knowledge of underwriting Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, FHA, Reverse, Jumbo, Super Jumbo Alt- A or any 1st or 2nd Loans, we believe we are the best in the business with highly trained and efficient staff and many Loans Modified / Restructured successfully we are one stop solution for people needing professional help. The file is over only when it is closed and that is what we specialize in. Our Qualified processing team includes MBA's, Engineers & Masters in Banking are more than capable of handling any difficult scenario & any number of file volume. "Professional help Always"

http://www.iinfiniteprocessing.com/img2.jpg, 6.3kB Through our website we wish to educate the home owners who have trouble making their mortgage payments and highlight various programs they can choose and try to save their home & credit. In trying times we feel this as our moral duty and responsibility that we can make struggling home owners understand that they can avail all the extended support offered by the government. We have also included several links from the MHA website that would educate the home owners and prompt them to choose the best available options for them. We will be very happy if we can be of any help and would really appreciate if we can counsel any homeowner to save their home, it's not always about money but we feel that it is our duty to educate the borrowers who are in the danger of losing their homes. We have broadly classified all the programs in 2 criteria's or the options they can opt for: -

Foreclosure Alternatives

Exploring the options for avoiding foreclosure the borrower can chose to opt for the below mentioned steps and make necessary moves, broadly there are only 2 choices to make either to keep the home or let it go, if the borrower is willing to keep the property the borrower must either go for the below mentioned options :-

  • Loan Modification {Loan restructuring}
  • Reinstatement {Bring your payments current}
  • Refinance {If there is enough equity}
  • Repayment Plan {Forbearance Plan}
  • Bankruptcy {Might give about 6 months}
  • Renting own house and getting additional income
  • Short sale to rent to buy option {Difficult in closing and time consuming}

If choose to let go of the property then there are only 3 options:-

  • Deed in lieu to foreclosure {cash for keys}
  • Short Sale {Listing your house and selling it at a lesser price}
  • Deed for Lease Fannie Mae Program {Handing over the property to the lender and renting it back for 12 months}